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Call of Duty

What WW2 PC games list would be complete without mentioning the start of what later became one of the most successful war-based
franchises in gaming history? Like Battlefield 1942, Call of Duty is hectic in its experience and provides an unmatched intensity that's unrivalled in today's gaming scene. However, it also incorporates a great deal of historical accuracy: something that many of the best WW2 games choose to neglect, especially within the FPS genre. In it, players take control of numerous American and British soldiers who work their way through various campaigns during the Second World War. This was all done with sensitivity to the time period, so players won't find themselves making use of ray guns or other futuristic weaponry in this game.
When this game was released ten years ago, its visuals were unlike anything on the market at that point and rivalled some of the most hardware intensive games on the most powerful console at the time, which was the Nintendo 64. However, that's not to say the game was without fault. My test rig did come across some aliased features, but it's difficult to pin down the source. It could very well be a driver incompatibility given the age of the game against my more modern hardware.
It's still hard to go wrong with the original Call of Duty. Much of the community have moved onto more recent COD games, like Modern Warfare and Black Ops, but there's still a very active community who play the original game. Should it ever disappear, then the single player mode is certainly worth the experience!
IGN Score: 9.3
Personal Score: 9.0
Age Advisory: Teen (13+)

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